The Big Wave is on its Way

The Big Wave is on its Way

God is preparing His church

The virus has taken its toll

South Africa, like many parts of the world, is in dire straits after the lockdown. In fact, the economy was in bad shape before lockdown, racial tensions were fuelled by a radical political party, and violent crime was rampant. The virus has just exacerbated that. I’m sure many countries have suffered similarly.

Nevertheless, there is great excitement in my spirit.

But God is using this time

God is using this time to prepare His church for something great.

Never before have there been so many prayer initiatives, starting as early as March with calls for global prayer. And never have the opportunities for whole communities and beyond been stimulated to join online in ‘corporate’ prayer.

From the start of lockdown Dr Arthur Frost has been holding an online breaking of bread and prayer daily — that is, every day since the end of March till now — for the nation od Soth Africa, , with thousands joining him.

Chief Justice Magoeng Magoeng, an outspoken Christian, has arranged ongoing prayer and fasting initiatives, with the reading of appropriate scriptures every day. See here.

Many church leaders are calling the nation to combined prayer and repentance in an online meeting.

There are so many initiatives it is difficult to participate in them all.

God’s people are showing Him to the world

While God’s people are turning to Him in prayer, they are also being His hands, feet, and voice to those whose lives the virus has devastated. Millions of food parcels and practical help has been given to those in dire need. Comfort has been shown to the bereaved and retrenched. Hope has been instilled in the fearful. As I say, in God in the ICU, when we pray for someone in need, we should listen to God’s response. Could it be we are the answer to our own prayer? Certainly, in South Africa, the church has taken this seriously.

God has taken the initiative

However, it’s the prayer that excites me most. Whenever God is about to pour out His Spirit, he stimulates His people to pray. God is clearly at the centre of the prayer initiatives.

Let’s learn from the surfers

I’ve hung around surfers a bit and learned their big wave compatriots. They can predict when the big waves will hit a coastline weeks before they do so, and make their arrangements to be there when they hit.

I feel a bit like one of those guys. I sense a swell in the spirit ocean that is heading inexorably to shore. There’s a wave of revival heading for our coasts. Let’s be like the big wave surfer who prepares himself and makes sure he’s in the right place when the wave makes landfall.

When revival comes, let’s be ready to embrace everything God has for us. It is going to be an awesome, exhilarating time as He prepares His Bride for His return.

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